
Cheminformatics is a field that combines chemistry and computer science to address challenges in chemistry. Machine learning is a key aspect of cheminformatics, allowing for the processing of large amounts of data and predictions based on patterns in the data. Research in cheminformatics includes predicting metabolic pathways, predicting toxicity, and analyzing environmental data.

It is an interdisciplinary field that heavily relies on machine learning to address challenges in chemistry. The use of machine learning algorithms allows for the processing of large amounts of data and predictions based on patterns in the data. Cheminformatics has a wide range of applications, including drug discovery, toxicology prediction, and environmental analysis.


Brydon, Liam; Zhang, Kunyang; Dobbie, Gillian; Taskova, Katerina; Wicker, Jörg

Predictive Modeling of Biodegradation Pathways Using Transformer Architectures Journal Article

In: Journal of Cheminformatics, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 21, 2025, ISSN: 1758-2946.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Hafner, Jasmin; Lorsbach, Tim; Schmidt, Sebastian; Brydon, Liam; Dost, Katharina; Zhang, Kunyang; Fenner, Kathrin; Wicker, Jörg

Advancements in Biotransformation Pathway Prediction: Enhancements, Datasets, and Novel Functionalities in enviPath Journal Article

In: Journal of Cheminformatics, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 93, 2024, ISSN: 1758-2946.

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Lorsbach, Tim; Wicker, Jörg

enviPath-python: v0.2.3 Miscellaneous

Zenedo, 2024.

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Long, Derek; Eade, Liam; Dost, Katharina; Meier-Menches, Samuel M; Goldstone, David C; Sullivan, Matthew P; Hartinger, Christian; Wicker, Jörg; Taskova, Katerina

AdductHunter: Identifying Protein-Metal Complex Adducts in Mass Spectra Journal Article

In: Journal of Cheminformatics, vol. 16, iss. 1, 2024, ISSN: 1758-2946.

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Dost, Katharina; Tam, Jason; Lorsbach, Tim; Schmidt, Sebastian; Wicker, Jörg

Defining Applicability Domain in Biodegradation Pathway Prediction Unpublished Forthcoming


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Chang, Luke; Dost, Katharina; Zhai, Kaiqi; Demontis, Ambra; Roli, Fabio; Dobbie, Gillian; Wicker, Jörg

BAARD: Blocking Adversarial Examples by Testing for Applicability, Reliability and Decidability Proceedings Article

In: Kashima, Hisashi; Ide, Tsuyoshi; Peng, Wen-Chih (Ed.): The 27th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), pp. 3-14, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023, ISSN: 978-3-031-33374-3.

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Dost, Katharina; Pullar-Strecker, Zac; Brydon, Liam; Zhang, Kunyang; Hafner, Jasmin; Riddle, Pat; Wicker, Jörg

Combatting over-specialization bias in growing chemical databases Journal Article

In: Journal of Cheminformatics, vol. 15, iss. 1, pp. 53, 2023, ISSN: 1758-2946.

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Bensemann, Joshua; Cheena, Hasnain; Huang, David Tse Jung; Broadbent, Elizabeth; Williams, Jonathan; Wicker, Jörg

From What You See to What We Smell: Linking Human Emotions to Bio-markers in Breath Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, pp. 1-13, 2023, ISSN: 1949-3045.

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Tam, Jason; Lorsbach, Tim; Schmidt, Sebastian; Wicker, Jörg

Holistic Evaluation of Biodegradation Pathway Prediction: Assessing Multi-Step Reactions and Intermediate Products Journal Article

In: Journal of Cheminformatics, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 63, 2021.

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Stepišnik, Tomaž; Škrlj, Blaž; Wicker, Jörg; Kocev, Dragi

A comprehensive comparison of molecular feature representations for use in predictive modeling Journal Article

In: Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 130, pp. 104197, 2021, ISSN: 0010-4825.

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Williams, Jonathan; Stönner, Christof; Edtbauer, Achim; Derstorff, Bettina; Bourtsoukidis, Efstratios; Klüpfel, Thomas; Krauter, Nicolas; Wicker, Jörg; Kramer, Stefan

What can we learn from the air chemistry of crowds? Proceedings Article

In: Hansel, Armin; Dunkl, Jürgen (Ed.): 8th International Conference on Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry and its Applications, pp. 121-123, Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck, 2019.

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Stönner, Christof; Edtbauer, Achim; Derstorff, Bettina; Bourtsoukidis, Efstratios; Klüpfel, Thomas; Wicker, Jörg; Williams, Jonathan

Proof of concept study: Testing human volatile organic compounds as tools for age classification of films Journal Article

In: PLOS One, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 1-14, 2018.

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Stönner, Christof; Edtbauer, Achim; Derstorff, Bettina; Bourtsoukidis, Efstratios; Klüpfel, Thomas; Wicker, Jörg; Williams, Jonathan

Investigating human emissions of volatile organic compounds in a cinema, flux rates, links to scene content, and possible applications Proceedings Article

In: 15th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2018, International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, 2018, ISBN: 978-171382651-4.

Abstract | BibTeX


Latino, Diogo; Wicker, Jörg; Gütlein, Martin; Schmid, Emanuel; Kramer, Stefan; Fenner, Kathrin

Eawag-Soil in enviPath: a new resource for exploring regulatory pesticide soil biodegradation pathways and half-life data Journal Article

In: Environmental Science: Process & Impact, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Wicker, Jörg; Fenner, Kathrin; Kramer, Stefan

A Hybrid Machine Learning and Knowledge Based Approach to Limit Combinatorial Explosion in Biodegradation Prediction Book Section

In: Lässig, Jörg; Kersting, Kristian; Morik, Katharina (Ed.): Computational Sustainability, pp. 75-97, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-31858-5.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Wicker, Jörg; Lorsbach, Tim; Gütlein, Martin; Schmid, Emanuel; Latino, Diogo; Kramer, Stefan; Fenner, Kathrin

enviPath – The Environmental Contaminant Biotransformation Pathway Resource Journal Article

In: Nucleic Acid Research, vol. 44, no. D1, pp. D502-D508, 2016.

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Williams, Jonathan; Stönner, Christof; Wicker, Jörg; Krauter, Nicolas; Derstorff, Bettina; Bourtsoukidis, Efstratios; Klüpfel, Thomas; Kramer, Stefan

Cinema audiences reproducibly vary the chemical composition of air during films, by broadcasting scene specific emissions on breath Journal Article

In: Scientific Reports, vol. 6, 2016.

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Wicker, Jörg; Krauter, Nicolas; Derstorff, Bettina; Stönner, Christof; Bourtsoukidis, Efstratios; Klüpfel, Thomas; Williams, Jonathan; Kramer, Stefan

Cinema Data Mining: The Smell of Fear Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp. 1235-1304, ACM ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4503-3664-2.

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Wicker, Jörg

Large Classifier Systems in Bio- and Cheminformatics PhD Thesis

Technische Universität München, 2013.

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Hardy, Barry; Douglas, Nicki; Helma, Christoph; Rautenberg, Micha; Jeliazkova, Nina; Jeliazkov, Vedrin; Nikolova, Ivelina; Benigni, Romualdo; Tcheremenskaia, Olga; Kramer, Stefan; Girschick, Tobias; Buchwald, Fabian; Wicker, Jörg; Karwath, Andreas; Gütlein, Martin; Maunz, Andreas; Sarimveis, Haralambos; Melagraki, Georgia; Afantitis, Antreas; Sopasakis, Pantelis; Gallagher, David; Poroikov, Vladimir; Filimonov, Dmitry; Zakharov, Alexey; Lagunin, Alexey; Gloriozova, Tatyana; Novikov, Sergey; Skvortsova, Natalia; Druzhilovsky, Dmitry; Chawla, Sunil; Ghosh, Indira; Ray, Surajit; Patel, Hitesh; Escher, Sylvia

Collaborative development of predictive toxicology applications Journal Article

In: Journal of Cheminformatics, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 7, 2010, ISSN: 1758-2946.

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Wicker, Jörg; Fenner, Kathrin; Ellis, Lynda; Wackett, Larry; Kramer, Stefan

Predicting biodegradation products and pathways: a hybrid knowledge- and machine learning-based approach Journal Article

In: Bioinformatics, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 814-821, 2010.

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Wicker, Jörg; Fenner, Kathrin; Ellis, Lynda; Wackett, Larry; Kramer, Stefan

Machine Learning and Data Mining Approaches to Biodegradation Pathway Prediction Proceedings Article

In: Bridewell, Will; Calders, Toon; Medeiros, Ana Karla; Kramer, Stefan; Pechenizkiy, Mykola; Todorovski, Ljupco (Ed.): Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the Induction of Process Models at ECML PKDD 2008, 2008.

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